by manuel.roche | Jun 29, 2017 | All, Patents
There is a specific tax credit mechanism in France known as “Credit d’impôt recherche” or tax credit for research (TCR). The mechanism provides for a tax credit equal to 30% of research and development (R&D) expenses up to 100 million euros and equal to 5% above...
by manuel.roche | Jun 21, 2017 | All, Copyright, Designs
If there are at least 7 differences between two designs, there is no counterfeiting. Wrong! The designs are compared according to their similarities and the overall impression they produce on an informed user. If the overall impressions are the same, copying or...
by manuel.roche | May 5, 2017 | All, Internet, Trademarks
We recently commented the Vinci case and the misappropriation of domain names such as or (here) to warn about the necessity of monitoring marks on the internet, which is the only solution to be able to react fast and prevent or at least...
by manuel.roche | Apr 28, 2017 | All, Trademarks
I have to designate the products and/or services listed in the heading of the classes of interest. Wrong! A trademark application includes a sign (name, logo, name + logo, slogan…) and a list of the products or activities that will be offered under this sign. For...
by manuel.roche | Apr 14, 2017 | All
Interviewed by Décideurs Magazine, Agnès DOYEN et Manuel ROCHE explain their practice and share their vision of IP counsel and IP in general. In 2016, [INSCRIPTA] focused on improving clients’ satisfaction and quality, and on developing new business associations...