by manuel.roche | Mar 31, 2017 | All, Designs, Patents, Trademarks
When a company changes its name or address, it is advisable to register said changes for all its trademarks, designs and patents with the IP registers in order to update the owner’s identification details for all industrial property titles. This ensures an...
by manuel.roche | Mar 20, 2017 | All, Patents
Owning IP rights or IP titles without directly using them may raise serious difficulties when the legal framework is not appropriate. There can be many reasons why people or companies own IP rights and choose to have them used or managed by other companies. Often it...
by manuel.roche | Feb 24, 2017 | All, Trademarks
My trademark registration automatically blocks any later trademark application. Wrong! A French trademark or a EU trademark does not automatically block subsequent identical or very similar trademark applications. When a trademark is registered, trademark offices such...
by manuel.roche | Feb 15, 2017 | All, Copyright, Internet, Trademarks
A few months ago, we commented the judgment of the Court of First instance of Paris of 29 January 2016 which denied copyright protection to promotional pictures of flowers published on an e-commerce web site because of their lack of originality (here). Before the...
by manuel.roche | Feb 3, 2017 | All
[INSCRIPTA] receives the “2017 Rising Teams” award in the Trademark Attorney category at the Law Trophies ceremony. [INSCRIPTA] was already Highly Recommended in the 2016 Ranking of the Top Industrial Property Attorneys in France by Leaders League. This new award is...