by manuel.roche | Jan 31, 2017 | All
You’ve reached our mystery and fun page… Go and see THE INSCRIPTA GAME from INSCRIPTA on Vimeo.
by manuel.roche | Jan 30, 2017 | All, Trademarks
At the end of 2016, the registration of CALISSONS D’AIX as a trademark in China for confectioneries by a Chinese company led to the reaction of the Union of Manufacturers of the Calissons d’Aix owner of the corresponding collective trademark in France since...
by manuel.roche | Jan 12, 2017 | All, Copyright, Designs, Internet, Patents, Trademarks
Although they do not provide any legal protection, Soleau envelopes, named after their inventor, are a low-cost way of ascertaining the date of one’s creations in France. Until now, creations were to be carefully described in two identical copies each of them...
by manuel.roche | Jan 10, 2017 | All
Agnès DOYEN, Manuel ROCHE and all the members of [INSCRIPTA] wish you the best for the New Year and great success to come! To start a Happy New Year, we invite you to watch our Season’s Greetings Video: INSCRIPTA – Video wishes 2017 from INSCRIPTA on...
by manuel.roche | Dec 21, 2016 | All, Designs, Patents
On December 6, 2016, the United States Supreme Court issued a very expected decision that should become one of the most significant rulings of the year in the intellectual property world. It is all the more important that it deals with the Apple v. Samsung case, one...