by manuel.roche | Dec 8, 2016 | All, Trademarks
The technical or usual vocabulary cannot be monopolized and must remain at the disposal of each and all economic actors. The rule is simple, but its standards for application are not. Indeed, many descriptive trademarks have been registered and are currently in force....
by manuel.roche | Nov 29, 2016 | All, Internet, Trademarks
[INSCRIPTA] regularly alerts companies to the necessity of monitoring their marks in order to know when it is used or misused by competitors or other parties. For instance, let’s remind our readers that a French trademark application or registration does not...
by manuel.roche | Nov 14, 2016 | All, Designs, Patents, Trademarks
Mr. Romain Soubeyran is the new General Director of the French Institute for Industrial Property, the French Patent and Trademark Office. According to the official press release, he previously was director of Mines ParisTech, one of the famous French Grandes Ecoles...
by manuel.roche | Oct 26, 2016 | All, Copyright
He did try before the French courts… and failed. Over the past years, [INSCRIPTA] published several articles and news about colourful copyright cases. There were rather intellectual cases like the one involving William Faulkner and Woody Allen’s movie “Midnight...
by manuel.roche | Oct 17, 2016 | All, Trademarks
The principle of the unitary character of the European union trademark is not absolute, and even when the infringement of a EU trademark is recognized by the courts, the geographical scope of sanctions must be assessed in terms of likelihood of confusion between the...