by manuel.roche | Oct 7, 2016 | All, Trademarks
According to French Trademark laws and regulations, a trademark may be applied for on behalf of a company that is not incorporated yet, i.e. on behalf of a company that is still being established. This particular type of application is very popular in France. It...
by manuel.roche | Sep 23, 2016 | All, Patents
The Court of Justice of the European Union issued a very important decision last summer that may very well prove disturbing for individuals and companies committed into IP licence agreements (CJEU, 7 July 2016, case C‑567/14). The case is rather complex and includes...
by manuel.roche | Sep 16, 2016 | All, Designs
French law provides that the entire litigation for designs, trademarks and patents, including the actions and claims on a related issue of unfair competition shall be brought before specific Civil courts (articles L.522-2, L.716-3 and L.615-17 of the French...
by manuel.roche | Aug 10, 2016 | All, Copyright
Last year, we commented decision by US District Judge George H. King according to which Warner/Chappell Music Inc. could not claim copyright ownership over the lyrics from the famous song Happy Birthday. Technically, it did not mean that the lyrics were in the public...
by manuel.roche | Jul 29, 2016 | All, Trademarks
After the Savon de Marseille (a vegetal oil-based soap) (1) for which 2 competing submissions are still being discussed, the “Siège de Liffol” (the Liffol’s Seat) and the “Espadrille de Mauléon – Mauleko espartina” (Mauleon’s Espadrille, a kind of sneakers) have...