by manuel.roche | Apr 29, 2016 | All, Trademarks
To identify their activities, facilitate the promotion of their businesses and enable customers to recognize them, many trademark applicants seem to opt for a sign easy to remember, such as everyday words, which would be meaningful in relation with the designated...
by manuel.roche | Apr 21, 2016 | All, Internet
Is it fair registering your competitor’s domain name? Let’s hope that among our readers the vast majority already has the answer. Of course not! At best, registering your competitor’s domain name would be made to disrupt your competitor’s communication. At worst, it...
by manuel.roche | Mar 31, 2016 | All, Trademarks
Shall the name Savon de Marseille (a vegetal oil-based soap) be the first geographical indication protecting industrial and artisanal products (1) to be approved? This name is the first application, filed by the association of the manufacturers of the Savon de...
by manuel.roche | Mar 16, 2016 | All, Patents
First of all, let’s remind our foreign readers that the French legislative body entrusted the entire litigation of intellectual property law to specialized courts of the judiciary system, in an attempt to enhance the specialization of French judges and to improve the...
by manuel.roche | Feb 29, 2016 | All, Internet, Trademarks
Under the influence of Community law, it has become difficult if not impossible for an operator to oppose to any use of its own trademark in keywords leading to commercial ads for competing web sites through a search engine (1). Currently, a trademark owner may only...