by manuel.roche | Aug 14, 2015 | All, Trademarks
Maybe you asked yourselves that very same question in the past few weeks and maybe you decided otherwise for financial reasons. But you might be interested in knowing that the mark PALACE is not that exclusive anymore. Actually, the French collective mark PALACE was...
by manuel.roche | Jul 31, 2015 | All, Designs, Patents
To be valid, a Community design must be new and have individual character, which means it must produce on the informed user a different overall impression from that produced by the designs already disclosed at the time of registration. The publication of a US patent...
by manuel.roche | Jul 10, 2015 | All, Copyright
A very recent decision issued by the French highest civil Court accepts that copyright may be limited to ensure protection of the right to artistic freedom. A painter had reproduced three photographs into his paintings, without requesting prior authorization from the...
by manuel.roche | Jun 30, 2015 | All, Designs, Patents, Trademarks
French government has recently been decided to make relationships between administrations and their users easier. With this in mind, they created a new rule according to which failure of an administration to answer a request within a two-month period should be...
by manuel.roche | Jun 26, 2015 | All
With the publication of the governmental decree relating to geographical indications, France has established an innovative legal arsenal to protect regional or local names in relation with industrial and hand-crafted goods and to fight against what until now was a...