by manuel.roche | Feb 26, 2015 | All, Designs
Two of the world’s biggest economies, namely the United States of America and Japan, will join the Hague system for the International Registration of Industrial Designs on May 13th, 2015. The international design system provides a variety of centralized administrative...
by manuel.roche | Feb 20, 2015 | All, Trademarks
According to French and European trademark Law, “a trade mark shall be liable to revocation if, after the date on which it was registered, in consequence of acts or inactivity of the proprietor, it has become the common name in the trade for a product or service in...
by manuel.roche | Feb 16, 2015 | All, Trademarks
CNCPI Workshop is the annual event intended to businesses and individuals to increase information and promote public awareness of intellectual property issues. The French Company of Industrial Property Attorneys (CNCPI), will organize the 2015 workshop on March 19th...
by manuel.roche | Jan 29, 2015 | All, Trademarks
Upon filing of a trademark, many questions may arise. The issue of colour/B&W trademarks is particularly important for applicants especially considering it is quite easy to make variations in the sign, enabling it to be better adapted to the marketing and...
by manuel.roche | Jan 19, 2015 | All, Copyright, Trademarks
Everybody knows by now what dreadful and terrible events occurred in France last January 7. And many people worldwide also know about the phrase adopted by supporters of such French republican values as freedom of speech or secularism. This slogan is JE SUIS CHARLIE...