by manuel.roche | Jan 19, 2015 | All, Copyright, Trademarks
Everybody knows by now what dreadful and terrible events occurred in France last January 7. And many people worldwide also know about the phrase adopted by supporters of such French republican values as freedom of speech or secularism. This slogan is JE SUIS CHARLIE...
by manuel.roche | Dec 30, 2014 | All, Designs, Trademarks
In this Christmas season, games are popular in the shops and under the tree, but also spark fierce legal debates. How to durably protect the games and prevent competitors from developing identical or similar games? When launching a new game, manufacturers obviously...
by manuel.roche | Dec 15, 2014 | All, Copyright
By governmental order No.2014-1348 of 12 November 2014, entered into force on the 1st December 2014, the French Intellectual Property Code has been modified as regards publishing contracts. The main purpose of the modifications is to adapt the rules related to...
by manuel.roche | Nov 30, 2014 | All, Internet, Trademarks
Operators of very popular websites with a descriptive address regarding their activities must develop a specific strategy for the protection of their rights if they are to have a chance to defend them effectively. Indeed, the owner of a key-word match domain name will...
by manuel.roche | Nov 26, 2014 | All, Copyright
The French Intellectual Property Code provides that performance, publishing and audiovisual production contracts must be in writing (Article L.131-2). In addition, “transfer of authors’ rights shall be subject to each of the assigned rights being separately mentioned...