by manuel.roche | Oct 31, 2014 | All, Internet, Trademarks
Businesses have until November 11th to register on a priority basis their trademark or company names as a domain The dotPARIS is open to all natural and legal persons: present in the Greater Paris area or; justifying professional, personal, commercial or...
by manuel.roche | Oct 17, 2014 | All, Copyright, Designs, Patents, Trademarks
As you may know, protecting a concept in France is not an easy task, mainly because a concept is a general notion or idea and because abstract ideas cannot be protected by copyright and even less by industrial property titles such as patents, trademarks or designs. Of...
by manuel.roche | Sep 30, 2014 | All, Trademarks
The owner of a Community trademark which is identical to an earlier trademark registered in a Member State may claim the seniority of that earlier trademark for the Community trademark. Once the claim of seniority is accepted by OHIM, the earlier trademark will...
by manuel.roche | Sep 3, 2014 | All, Copyright, Designs, Patents, Trademarks
French Tribunal des conflits, arbitrating whether a case must be heard before judicial or administrative courts, has just ruled that judicial courts have exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving the liability of public entities as long as intellectual property law...
by manuel.roche | Aug 27, 2014 | All, Copyright
Reviewing and modernising the EU copyright legislative framework by 2015, these are the stated objectives set by the European Commission through its declaration of 12 December 2012 (*). The effort focuses on the territoriality in the Internal Market, the...