by manuel.roche | Aug 13, 2014 | All, Copyright, Internet
Considering the worldwide press coverage of the last few weeks, it is difficult not to have heard about the monkey selfie case opposing wildlife British photographer David J. Slater (1) to Wikipedia’s Wikimedia web site about who shall be the owner of the copyright...
by manuel.roche | Jul 21, 2014 | All, Patents
French Cour de cassation, the highest civil Court in France, has just issued a decision, on May 20, 2014, reminding that the invalidity of dependent claims of a patent cannot be inferred from the invalidity of the independent claim to which those dependent claims...
by manuel.roche | Jul 13, 2014 | All, Designs
According to the French Intellectual Property Code, a design shall only be protected if it is new and has individual character (Article L.511-2). But when it comes to industrial designs, the French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) does not perform an examination on...
by manuel.roche | Jun 27, 2014 | All, Trademarks
As already stated in a previous article, French law of 17 March 2014 related to protection of consumers modified the French Consumer Code by creating a class action allowing the consumers to collectively enforce their rights when they have been infringed. This...
by manuel.roche | Jun 20, 2014 | All, Copyright, Internet
We recently commented on the new French law of 11 March 2014 aiming to fight against the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights (1). With that law, France has taken a major step forward and must clearly be considered as one of the most advanced...