by manuel.roche | Mar 27, 2019 | All, Trademarks
Last August, we spoke about the German whisky ‘Glen Buchenbach’ (here), which caused the preliminary ruling of the 7th of June of 2018 by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Case C‑44/17, Scotch Whisky Association v Michael Klotz. The Court of Justice...
by manuel.roche | Feb 15, 2019 | All, Trademarks
The European Union trademark BIG MAC number 000062638 was filed in 2016 and registered in 2018 in the name of McDonald’s, in connection with many food products, among them the famous sandwiches, as well as in connection with restaurant-linked services. In a case...
by manuel.roche | Jan 31, 2019 | All, Copyright, Designs, Internet, Trademarks
In our time of digital communication, the pictograms, these basic symbols conveying universally recognized and fully understood information, also intend to be used as a badge of origin. But can these simple and meaningful signs be perceived as identifying the...
by manuel.roche | Nov 30, 2018 | All, Copyright, Designs
That’s right! This is France and France is known worldwide (at least we French people like to think so) for its contributions to the arts, its intellectual creations, its original productions. Yet we are talking about copyright protection claimed over a portal, a...
by manuel.roche | Nov 21, 2018 | All, Copyright
The EU law precludes (i) the taste of a food product from being protected by copyright and (ii) national legislation from being interpreted in such a way that it grants copyright protection to such a taste. The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union...