by manuel.roche | Oct 12, 2018 | All, Copyright, Designs, Internet, Patents, Trademarks
This article is the transcription of a presentation by Manuel ROCHE, Industrial property attorney and President of the International Relations Committee of the CNCPI (the French Patent and Trademark Attorneys Institute), during the international symposium “Paris,...
by manuel.roche | Oct 1, 2018 | All, Trademarks
The Apple Watch is not branded as “iWatch”, although it would put it in line with its pre-existing products/services bearing the well-known ‘i’-prefix, such as iPhone, iPod, iPad, iMac or iCloud. This is mostly due to the difficulties of having the...
by manuel.roche | Sep 26, 2018 | All, Trademarks
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has held that, in order to be accepted for registration as a EU trademark, a sign must have distinctive character, inherent or acquired through use, throughout the European Union and not only in a substantial part or the majority of...
by manuel.roche | Aug 31, 2018 | All, Copyright, Designs
The layout of a retail store, even more if it is a flagship store or a franchise store, often created by a designer or an architect, may be protected in France by copyright if the originality of the store design is recognized by the courts. Such is the case of the...
by manuel.roche | Aug 26, 2018 | All, Trademarks
The Scotch Whisky Association is a Scottish organisation protecting the trade in Scottish whisky both in Scotland and abroad. Taking the view that the marketing of a whisky under the designation ‘Glen Buchenbach’ (which is produced by the Waldhorn distillery in...